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Maximizing mineral grade and recovery is a constant balancing act – improving one is usually achieved at the detriment of the other. Valid positive step changes in the grade recovery curve can only be derived by considering mineral processing flowsheet design, reagent formulation, and equipment characteristics. By looking at the combination of these factors, Arkema can help you discover your ore’s full potential.

Arkema provides a complete technical service package that includes laboratory evaluations of mineral processing flowsheet designs and flotation reagents, as well as process consultations for existing and new mine operations to realize tangible improvements in mineral grade and recovery. We have successfully developed and simplified flowsheet designs for a broad range of industrial mineral processing operations across the globe, including phosphate, lithium, feldspar, silica, and more. Our simplified flowsheet designs, coupled with our high-performance flotation reagents, help optimize the process and cost efficiencies and improve the mineral grade and recovery, improving value for mining operations.

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