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Scrap and flake mica used to produce ground mica is usually recovered using crushing, screening, and gravity methods. When flotation is used, the mica ore must be deslimed, typically at 100 mesh. These methods tend to be inefficient, resulting in significant mica losses. The recovery of mica minerals using the flotation process presents additional challenges, such as the production of slimes during conditioning and flotation.

At Arkema, we produce flotation reagents described as cationic and anionic collectors to optimize mica mineral processing while maximizing grade and recovery. We also produce functional chemicals, including flocculants, slime depressants, and dispersants, to improve the selectivity of the mica mineral flotation process and final product marketability, partly by reducing the effect of slimes generated during the conditioning and flotation processes. Finally, our mining chemicals can help improve the water recycling system at the mica mineral processing plant by effectively settling fine tailings.

Arkema mining chemicals are tailor-made to your unique mica ore and operational scenario to maximize grade and recovery and comply with all applicable industry regulatory requirements. In addition to providing design consultation to mica producers for their flotation process using our flotation chemicals, Arkema’s expert field personnel provide ongoing process consultation to your engineers, production managers, and operations personnel to ensure continuous optimization of mica mineral processing to accommodate variations in ore and operational conditions over time.
