Mining Defoamers /
Anti Foaming Agents for Mineral Processing
Slowing or eliminating foam formation in mineral process liquids improves operational efficiency. Mineral processes typically encounter three types of foam challenges:
- Dissolved air in the aqueous phase
- Entrained air bubbles that are small enough and stable enough to be suspended in the slurry media
- Bubbles with sufficient buoyancy and stability rise to the surface and collect on top of the mineral slurry as foam.
Arkema's Quell® line of custom-developed mining defoamers, anti-foaming agents, dosing systems for specific deposits, mineral pumping, handling equipment, and flotation process conditions to beneficiate oxide ores such as phosphate and industrial minerals. Lab screening of formulas followed by plant testing and ongoing process consultation enables the selection of the best formula to optimize your operation and mineral value. Let us work with you to develop and implement a custom-tailored mining defoamer / anti-foaming agent and dosing system to help you overcome the challenges during mineral processing.
- Improved mineral and slurry handling
- Less entrained gases and cavitation
- Fewer plant foam-overs and reduced product losses
- Improved pumping and pump box operation
- Custom-formulated solution for specific ore bodies, equipment and processes
- Precise control of froth and bubble nature, froth modification
- Lower dose required
- Easy to handle
- Temperature insensitive
About our latest developments

Quell™ 51
Oil Base Defoamers
• Wide application for productions of phosphoric acid, MAP, DAP, etc.
• Lower dosage application
• No rubber damage with proven of several decade application

Quell™ 508
Water Base Defoamers
• Wide application for productions of phosphoric acid, MAP, DAP, etc.
• Lower dosage application
• Rubber liner friendly defoamer

Quell™ 525
Defoamers for Mining and Beneficiation
• Easy to apply
• Lower dosage application for efficiency
• No detrimental effect for down stream process