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Arkema’s metallurgists and technical service experts know how to adjust operating parameters and adapt to ore conditions to improve grades and recovery. Understanding the interaction between the flotation reagent surface chemistry, the flow sheet design, and equipment performance enables our team to fine-tune the mineral processing operation. 

Our team can enhance conditioning parameters to lower flotation reagent doses for the same or better performance. We can troubleshoot grinding, washing, sizing, and feed preparation sections to optimize their performance to ensure better froth flotation reagent performance. We offer metallurgical in plant and laboratory services and metallurgical analysis to determine the root cause of flotation problems. We have years of experience and application knowledge built on industrial mineral and crop nutrition flotation plants around the globe. Arkema offers flotation training and instruction in the fundamental mineral flotation to customer personnel. Put our froth flotation reagent application consultation experience to the test in your mineral processing operation and discover your ore’s true potential.  


  • Consistent and reliable flotation performance                                                                                                                    

  • Solves plant flotation issues                                                                                                                  

  • Improves grade and recovery                                                                                                                  

  • Expands flotation knowledge                                                                                                                  

  • Learn how to trouble shoot mineral processing issues and find root causes

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